Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Don't Be a Wimp!

 Ike and I do almost all our shopping together.  The other day I took him to Safeway and they have kid-sized carts.  He looked just like a little man.  He walked around so seriously putting things into the cart. I think for a second he thought I was actually going to let him get the Cheetos and King Sized Kit Kat bar that he put in there.

How many kids can watch one iPhone at the same time?  Answer:
 We were setting up for Evening in Excellence and these babies got stuck at the church for hours.  I remember being at the church as a kid while my mom was doing her callings too.  They are fond memories.  I hope my kids feel the same way.  They probably will because how could it not be fun sharing a tiny screen with 5 other kids?

They also went along for the early morning youth temple trip.  We met at 5 AM.  The visitor's center doesn't open until 9 so we spent some quality, freezing time outside until Trader Joe's opened at 8.  That place is like a Wal-Mart on Black Friday.  I have never seen so many people in a grocery store at 8 on a Saturday morning.
 It was worth it though because we also got to see the Johnsons and get haircuts.

 And we rode the tram which was delightful.

Sunday Selfie
 Our new house came with a pet turkey.  We call her Bobette.  She is mostly sweet and only terrifying when she chases you to your car.  Who knew that turkeys were so ugly?  And so cute?
 We all had to get physicals for the State Department medical check.  The kids were ridiculous.  I thought they were going to have to be treated for shock after they got their TB tests.  I thought that I had raised Pioneer children who were tough, boy was I wrong. I think the group mentality got to them and they freaked each other out.  Somehow they all survived.  Barely.
Also, Ike didn't even blink an eye. He wasn't phased.
 Even though they had to get shots it was redeemed by the fact that they have the best pediatrician in the world.  Leslie is my friend, my running buddy, and she also takes great care of my babies.

Bobette joining us for a quick presidency meeting

Expecto Patronum
 So, after narrowly escaping from the TB test with their lives we got a call and unfortunately there was a mistake and they had to get the bubble in their arms again!  I laid down the law and promised them that if they acted like drama queens they would be kicked out of the family. The second time they were still scared but they put on stoic faces and met their fate like brave humans.  I was so proud that I took them to get a Slurpy.  I had not realized that it was the first Slurpy of their lives.
A Momentous Moment

Best Picture Award:  Credit: Feather

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