I finished my first afghan after messing up and pulling it apart about 6,000 times. I mostly worked on it while we were in Utah for the holiday, but I have proven to myself that I am not good at multitasking. The pattern actually looks much harder than it is to make. As soon as I was home alone without distractions I didn't have a single problem.
Rocky and Daisy did their best to make sure that I learned that I should never leave an untied end. You know that song that says, "If you want to destroy my sweater, pull this thread..." well apparently that works on blankets too.
I'm guessing that it will probably take less time to ruin than it took to make because kids and cream-colored anything don't go together well. If by some miracle this afghan makes it through her childhood I will give it to Daisy when she grows up because she absolutely adores it. While I was working on it she would follow me around and try to nuzzle her face in the yarn. Now she finally gets her chance with it.
You can tell that this picture was taken at least 3 weeks ago because she still only has one tooth. Now she's got 6 that are popping through.
Rocky's newest interest is photography.
I thought that old camera had taken a beating after it made it through a semester in Hawaii, a summer in Alaska, a road trip across the U.S. and an entire mission in Boston, but it has met it's match with the Rock Star. I still have a whole bunch of film but I don't even think you can develop it anymore.
After she made this pouty face I gave in and let her take a few pictures with my digital camera.
I think I may have secretly been hoping that she would break it. I really love that little camera but about a year ago a dropped it and broke the the lens. Notice I said that I dropped it even though I sometimes tell people it was Rocky. Let the record be clear, it was me. In my defense, however, in the moment it was to either drop the camera or drop the kid so in a way I still don't think I'm completely culpable. It is broken in the way that it still works too well to get a new one, but bad enough that it sometimes is a pain. During her time with the digital Rocky was so careful that it didn't even get a scratch.
She was pretty serious about her photos. She has learned a lot about true artwork on our trips to Portland.
The critics are pretty impressed with the work she's done, especially for her age. For example, some have called this self-portrait entitled Double Chin #2, "Stunningly introspective," and "Horrifying yet strangely beautiful."
As her skills have improved she has moved on to other subjects. These next two are from a series that she calls, "Old Lady and Kid."
We are hoping that her skills will bring her fame and fortune. At least enough to get an interview on NPR.
In the meantime Brandon is making sure she has access to important music videos so that she can develop a finely tuned musical palette. If you look closely I think you can see David Bowie wearing an eye patch.
That blanket is beautiful! I'm impressed. Ha, I love your description of Rocky's photos :)
The afghan is beautiful Marci! Good job!
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