Yesterday we were honored to attend a special sealing at the Portland temple. Our awesome friends, the Wilbergers were able to have their newest addition, baby Oaklee (the namesake of Rocky's doll) sealed to them for eternity. It was a special experience. It was another reminder of the miracle of adoption.
One of these things is not like the others.
Rocky thought she was being discreet as she tried to work herself into the family pictures but it wasn't working. Brenley said that it would be okay because we could use the pictures later for Rocky and McCoy's wedding video. He wasn't that thrilled with the prospect.
While we were at the temple Rocky pointed out the angel "Macaroni" on the top. She's got quite a few Rocky-isms that we hear a lot. For example, this morning she was reading the Book of Morning and yesterday her dad took her to 7-11 to get a Slippery to drink. She thinks Brandon looks funny when he grows out his mush-mash but it tickles her when he gives her besitos. Her favorite treat is those little red Swedish feces.
Ha ha those are hilarious. That's gross that she eats Swedish feces those. I will only let Amelia eat Norwegian ones.
The way McCoy has his mouth open in the third picture makes him look like a ventriloquist dummy.
oh m y oh my she is so funny. I love it. thanks for the laugh.
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