Rapunzel...couldn't you tell by the hair? |
Since Brandon has been busy with finals we have been keeping busy by having a 'Girl Party' almost every day.
The girly stuff we do is paint our nails, play dress up and listen to the Tangled soundtrack.
If I get to choose it means that we bake cookies and then I tell the girls that it isn't healthy to eat more than one or two and then I go ahead and consume all the rest. I am seriously out of control when it comes to cookies these days. It probably has to do with my stubborn refusal to turn on the heat. When it is cold there is nothing more irresistible than heating the house with an oven which just happens to be filled with the comforting smell of melting chocolate and butter.
We tried a different oven project on Saturday night by melting a bunch of Starlight mints and making a holiday tray out of them. This was something that Pinterest told me was going to be an easy success.
Our little plumber Rocky kept an eye on the process. The directions said to let them melt for 8 minutes. At 6 minutes it looked perfect...
... at 8 minutes it was a mess.
On the upside the tray, while it doesn't look so good, is in fact, a tray. I'm not sure what to do with it now. Maybe I can mess up a cookie recipe that I find on Pinterest and I can serve them on the tray for a double fail.
We did at least, for about 10 minutes, have a warm peppermint-y apartment, which is worth something.
We cranked the temperature up later so that we could make homemade pizzas. This activity includes the girls requesting all kinds of toppings only to eat them before the dough is finished rising and then making cheese pizzas to actually cook.
Rosy was bundled up in a sweet little ball taking a long nap during the festivities. She woke up later to be fawned over for an hour before going back to sleep. I can't believe what a good little baby she is. When I'm not busy consuming cookies my favorite thing to do is just to sit and snuggle this girl. Nothing is better, except for those lucky moments when I can eat cookies AND snuggle simultaneously.
So basically a girl party is when we do all the same stuff we normally do, but with music playing.