We've been in the lull before the holiday craziness takes over and we are enjoying it by taking advantage of the special moments that happen only on calm days.
After Daisy's spill off the bed she now requires a chaperone, and her dad, always wanting to take up extra chores to help around the house has volunteered for nap duty.

She is so cute that I can hardly even put her down because I just want to sit and squeeze her little snuggly body all day long.

Apparently, Rocky feels the same way.

Sometimes I wish I could just pause time for a little while and keep Daisy at this age. She is just so sweet.

I wonder if I could freeze just Daisy or if Rocky would also stay two indefinitely...maybe I'll just let them continue to grow at a normal rate.

The big news was that we had SNOW! We woke up to huge, gigantic piles of snow. All the schools were closed and everyone had to just hole up and hope they survived.
I took a picture to document the damage.

Okay, so those of you from Utah aren't that impressed, but they seriously did close the schools because snow is not something that happens in Eugene. It was drastic enough that I actually put on shoes and socks instead of my flip-flops.
I thought that it would be funny to take a picture of my poor herbs. The cilantro is covered but still trying to pull through, but the basil gave up about a month ago. Neither the basil corpses nor cilantro thought the picture was remotely funny.

Rocky got a chance to make some snow balls and play with some of the kids in the neighborhood. She was out there for about 5 minutes before I realized that she was only wearing one shoe. I'm not really surprised at the lack of responsible parenting on my part, but I was pretty astounded that she didn't even seem to care that she was wearing a frozen sock.

Although the snow was sparse, the cold has been in abundance. We've been trying to stay warm by bundling up.

The snow also brought excitement for Christmas. Rocky woke me up saying "I saw Santa!" Which leads me to wonder who or what exactly she thinks Santa is.
Daisy opted to focus on the more religious aspects of the season and started practicing to audition for the starring role in the Primary pageant.

I told her that she was too big to be baby Jesus so she stuck out her tongue at me. I said that baby Jesus was perfect and wouldn't act that way.

The day turned sunny and beautiful so we figured that we'd head out for a little winter jog. I got some exercise, but I had to stop in several local businesses and pretend to be perusing merchandise so that we could warm up every mile or so.

When it really started to snow I tried to kick into high gear and the girls gave me moral support by snuggling down into their warm blankets and falling asleep.
So I guess when I say "boring" what I really mean is a whole lot of fun.
Bonus Picture