We have been having so much fun the last week. My mom and I took about a million pictures of my beautiful girls. Even when I only picked my very favorites there were still quite a few so if you were planning on reading this post and getting something done today you should probably skip this blog.
People keep asking how Rocky is doing with the baby and this is my answer.

She absolutely LOVES her. She can't seem to keep her hands off of her and about a third of my day just goes to making sure that Daisy makes it to three weeks with both of her eyes in tact.
Rocky doesn't seem to be jealous but she does use the time when I am distracted by Daisy to get into trouble. I'm not sure if it because she knows it will bring her attention or if she just sees it as an opening to get away with mischief. She has won the battle though because a lot of the things that used to be off limits are now fair game because I don't have the time or energy to stop her from getting into them. For example, she now is allowed to get the spices out of the drawer and play with them (which will last until she figures out how to open the bottles), and she can hide behind the curtains and reorganize the pantry to her heart's content. I don't care if I have to search for the peanut butter anymore if it keeps her quiet for 15 minutes.
I need to put a picture of a couple of Rocky's buddies, Tejana and Veda. They live right by us in our complex and whenever the weather is nice these three amigos are found together.

It was pretty fun to have three of my favorite people all sitting together on such a comfy couch.

Daisy is already following the example of her sister and has completely fallen in love with her daddy. I can't blame them. I did too.

It is pretty cool that Rocky is trying to look innocent and not succeeding at all.

Daisy's first bath seemed okay for her but it was stressful for me. These newborns are just a little to fragile for me to feel comfortable, even when it is my own baby. She is a little shrimp with the longest body, hands and feet and the skinniest legs I've ever seen.

One of the girls in Brandon's program, Kaitlyn, had this idea to have a mustache party. Everyone was required to have a mustache which really made for some great conversations. It is a little tricky to take someone seriously when they are sporting a huge black piece of fuzz on their lip. Because of Brandon's skills in the facial hair department, he didn't have to wear one of the fake ones that were shipped in from Hong Kong. The rest of us had our first experience trying to eat without getting stray pieces of cheese stuck to our bristles.

Rocky once again practicing her pouty face for the day when she can try out for America's Next Top Model. I keep trying to gently push her in the direction of world peace instead of shallow glamor but she insists that she can use her beauty to accomplish both, like Angelina Jolie.

We had the local newspaper print Daisy's name in their birth announcements so that when she becomes the president of the United States there will be proof that she is a U.S. citizen. She is giving her big sister a run for her money in the cuteness scale.

We took Rocky to play at a local gym and she jumped for an hour straight.

She finally ran out of energy which was lucky for me because I was exhausted about 15 minutes in.

What did I tell you? Cute.
I mean, I know I'm the mom, and am more than just a little bit biased, but I've got two adorable girls.

The inaugural walk in our new double jogger went well. The girls were happy as could be and Rocky only poked Daisy about 27 times instead of the 6000 that I was expecting. We walked over to the Masonic Cemetary that is close to out house and looked at the grave of Eugene Skinner who settled this great city of ours.

I had so much fun with my mom and when we dropped her off at the airport Rocky and I cried the whole way home. Daisy probably would have joined us but she was asleep. Now we are going to start planning Oma's next trip out here.