On Tuesday morning I went in for my appointment and after an ultrasound it was clear that my placenta was getting prematurely old and my body was ready to go. I hustled home to pick up Brandon and we headed toward labor and delivery. I was feeling good and pretty excited to get started. I got into the room and they broke my water and started the pitocin. I wondered if I would still qualify for the bronze medal or if this would be considered doping. We watched a cooking show about making Spanish foods, and I said, "I hope that this goes fast."
There was a little incident where my blood pressure went down and all the nurses came running in. It was really just because I had been lying too low on my back and the blood flow was stopped. They had me on oxygen and everything and I felt a little silly once it was over. That killed about 20 minutes. At this time I still hadn't felt any pain.
Then all of a sudden I started getting strong contractions. I told the nurse I was ready for some meds and she checked to see if I had progressed enough. I was at a five so she sent someone to get the doctor. Then I had a couple of quick contractions that were super strong and I heard the nurse say that there wasn't time for any medicine. I told Brandon that I didn't want to go on without pain killer but at that point there wasn't any other choice. In about 6 minutes I went from a 5 to fully dilated. By the time Dr. Cooper arrived I pushed twice and she was born. He figured that I was in full labor for about 30 minutes. Let me tell you though, 30 minutes was enough of an experience for me.
It reminded me of a movie where everything just goes so fast. I had always thought that it would be neat to deliver naturally but I never would have had the guts. Brandon said that it would have been exactly like a movie if I would have given the cliche line "You did this to me." I probably would have said it if I could have talked. Now I'm going to get to the business of enjoying the baby and forgetting the birth so that I will hopefully one day think about having another one.
All the doctors and nurses at the hospital were awesome and we are in love with our little Daisy.
Now we are home enjoying some time together.
Thanks for all the love and support.
Good luck to Laurie if she hasn't already gone. She might be the last to deliver but I am sure she'll be the first one back into shape.
You get a gold medal in the endurance category! I am one of those over a period of a month or so I gradually dilate. I guess your body was just ready to get Daisy out.
I can't believe you went all natural.... now that you've had both which would you prefer? =) Let’s Skype!
Holy Cow! That is crazy fast. You are a strong woman! Daisy is a doll. Hope you are recovering ok.
wow, Marci! My sister that had her baby two weeks ago went from a 5-10 in an hour, and I thought that was crazy. Now you can brag about having done natural labor! :). Let me know if I can help at all. Is your mom coming soon??
Wow, that DOES sound intense! Way to go for being so tough! Daisy looks so cute in her little outfit in the carseat.
Wow that sounds like fun. Have a wonderful time with your cute family. Rocky really looks like Marci to me in that cute hat I am sure there is a spanish name for it, just don't ask me what it is. You guys are awesome. Love from the south of Utah.
Great job Marci! You are definitely deserving of the bronze... no doping at all! And both your girls are absolutely adorable.
As for me, no, still pregnant. Thanks for the positive thoughts about getting in shape though. However, at the rate I'm going, you will all be back to your pre-pregnancy weight before I ever deliver!
Wow! That was a super fast labor! I am amazed. I love hearing birthing stories, each one is so fascinating. Daisy is adorable, just like her big sister, hopefully Rocky will be nice to her until she's big enough to play rough. I want to bring you dinner sometime, so I'll call you. Congrats again.
He wasn't kidding - 30 minutes! Amazing. Well, if I were to do it naturally, I would definitely prefer it be as short as possible. ;) Congratulations again!
Congrats!! She's beautiful!! I can't wait to meet her!
Marci you are a rockstar! She is absolutely gorgeous--and I love the name Daisy--so darling! what a cute little fam you have~
Wow, Marci, you are my hero. Congrats on giving birth naturally! (oh, AND on sweet little Daisy...she IS a doll.)
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