After a grueling experience with a Budget truck,

and several days of trying to figure out where to put all of our stuff, we are finally starting to feel at home in Eugene. Although we loved our little apartment at Grandma's, once we had Rocky we outgrew it. Now we are happily found in apartment #220 of the Spencer View Apartments. We've got lots of space and are living in luxury in student housing. Our kitchen is so big that we can actually keep all of our appliances and food in it, at the same time.

Rocky is living like a queen with her own bedroom.

I knew that she had a lot of stuff, but when it is all combined into one room it is pretty overwhelming. She has more outfits than Paris Hilton.

She's still to small to wear most of them, but, because she is now eating solid foods, she is starting to pudge out. All the fat goes straight to her face, or more specfically, to her chins. She's a good eater and scarfs down rice, peaches, peas, carrots and bananas. She's like her parents and loves a good meal.
It's been a little tough on her to deal with all the changes, but she's finally starting to relax and enjoy herself.

Our apartment complex is really big with about 230 apartments. We've met a lot of really nice people. There are 8 other LDS couples living here and they all seem like they'll be good friends. As we were moving in two girls from India, Hema and Anu, were also moving in right by us. They were really cute to help us move in some of our boxes. We hit it off with them right away because, thanks to Eric, we had seen the Bollywood movie Kutchi Kutchi Hota Hai. The other day was Hema's birthday and she invited us over for dinner. They cooked a delicious Indian meal. I can't remember what any of the foods were called, but there was rice, bread, and a special sauce made with potatoes. I thought that it was the perfect amount of spicy-ness, but the girls said that they had toned it down because they knew that it would be too hot otherwise. While we were there we met a family who were Tibeten refugees. Being in a language department, Brandon's classmates are from all over the world. He works with people from Spain, Bolivia, Italy, Peru, France, and Japan. It's fun to learn about other cultures.
Brandon has been to a bunch of orientations and will start classes on Monday. He seems to be very happy with things so far and he likes riding his bike back and forth from the school.
I've had a lot of questions about the hippie-ness of the area. I think that it is big mix of people, and the hippies are definitely part of it all. Right around the corner is a natural foods store. I think that eating organic is probably a good idea, but it is pretty hard on the old pocket book. As for us, right now we are sticking with the Albertsons and Safeway pesticide dusted, hormone enhanced, just like home groceries. The things college students will do to save a buck.
We live right by a really cool bike trail. I've taken Rocky for jogs in her stroller. We really have to bundle up.

So far we only made it about a mile to the city pool. It's so cold in the mornings that the pool looks like it is on fire because of all the steam. I'm looking forward to seeing what will come next. It gives me a little bit of extra motivation to push myself further. With that, and my new ipod I should be ready for a marathon in no time.
Basically all we need to be perfectly content is all of our family and friends to move here. Let me know when you are coming and I'll start scouting out the area for houses.