I know that every parent is amazed at how quickly babies grow up, but MAN my kid has grown up faster than any of those other babies.
She was this tiny newborn and now she's this spunky little girl that has all kinds of personality. Sometimes I feel like I don't even know her because she's picked up all kinds of new tricks. She babbles constantly and seems surprised when she is the only one laughing at her own jokes.
Recently she grew a gigantic tooth on the top. When she got her bottom teeth we called them nubs because they were cute little bumps. This new tooth would be more appropriately described as Mt. Kilimanjaro. I have personally become acquainted with the monster tooth because she has used it to gnaw on my shoulder. She acts all snuggly and cute and then, when I let my guard down I feel her fang piercing my flesh.
Because there is only one tooth up top it gives her a hillbilly-like appearance. I think she must be self-conscious about it because I wasn't able to get a single picture. Part of me thinks that the tooth's twin will be making an appearance soon, but I'm not positive because there definitely isn't room in that mouth for another of that size.
There must be something going on in that drooly mouth though, because I can't think of any other reason that Rocky would choose to chew on a pen after she found all that candy in her dad's backpack.
I'm amazed she's self conscious about that top tooth when I see those bottom teeth. If those aren't hillbilly, I don't know what is.
She looks so cute! I love the purple ribbon in her hair. I can't wait to hold her and cuddle her until she bites me. :)
I know Brooke will be happy to see you guys soon. She still talks about Rocky.
Maybe she's just a Team Edward fan, testing whether or not she's a vamp, too. ;)
Kason loves Rocky! Whenever he sees her picture he says, Wocky, wocky! She's so cute! Have fun on your break!
Okay, Lindsey & Kason need to back off...Rocky is all Calvin's! I can't believe how grown up she looks with that bow in her hair. I hope you have a great time on break.
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