For those of you who have been following the baby race a quick update. The gold medal went to Trista who came from behind in a surprising upset. Although she had the latest due date her little Kailyn made an appearance at 11:45 P.M. on the 24th. Heather's little Suzie was born that same night, or I guess I should say, early morning at 3:59 A.M. It couldn't have been a closer finish which boded well with the dramatic spirit of the games.
Laurie and I are still fighting it out for the bronze. I am feeling way too good to be close to delivery and we aren't going to be able to finish this one off before the closing ceremonies. I'm happy with how things are going though, especially because last night I had the best night of sleep I can remember in a long time. I'm sure our little Daisy will come when she is ready.
In the meantime we have been keeping busy.
Brandon has been working his tail off trying to get ahead in his classes so that when our bundle of joy comes right before finals he will be able to stay afloat. Because of the new couch and my strong interest in the Olympics he has mostly been relegated to the bedroom. He looks pretty handsome while studying, especially when he is wearing his skull p.j. pants.
I don't think I can blame everything on the new couch, but since I have been spending extra time there as my abdomen continues to expand he has had to pull a lot of double duty doing his schoolwork and a good share of the housework too. I'm lucky to be married to such a good man.
Rocky has been thinking about starting a career in modeling and has been practicing her sassy face. She is showing off the new shirt that was given as a gift for the baby. Her poor baby sister hasn't even been born and she's already stuck sharing clothes.
The enrichment cooking class was a huge success. There is something really special about a bunch of ladies getting together to joke around and try new foods. We were laughing so hard that I thought I would go into labor then and there. It was such a pleasure to have these awesome women over to our house and I hope that we get to do it again soon. We made tapas, or appetizers from Spain including a garbanzo bean and spinach dip, turkey meatballs, Russian salad, deviled eggs, tortillas, and a fruit braid. It was a ton of fun and I felt pretty good about pulling it all off. It wasn't perfect, but it was close enough.
We also went with the playgroup to the fire station. The guys there were so cute with the kids and Rocky had the best time. The boys were mostly interested in the fire engines, but she was all about the river rescue boat. Once she got in that seat she wanted to stay there all day.
I will admit that I am really huge right now, but I hope that this picture isn't completely accurate. I mean, we've all had photos from un -inspired angles, but this one makes me look like I'm about the same size as the engine. Brandon says that it is okay to be huge because I'm so close to baby time but that makes me fear that the picture is more true than I want to believe.
The odds were definitely in Rocky's favor being the girl among all these cute little boys. But even though she was all decked out in her mini skirt and boots they were all more interested in the helmets and gear. It was okay though because, as the great-granddaughter of a former fire chief she was focused on the business of the station. We took a long time examining the ambulance and she promised me that if she ever rides in one it will be as an EMT, not as a patient.