We all went to see Victor Jr. play in the Homecoming game and to reminisce about high school days. It was a blast to hang out with Andrea, Daniel, Victor and Rosy and to watch Harrisburg win a pretty exciting game.
Rocky and Daisy were super excited because Victor was one of the Homecoming royalty so he got to ride around the track in a fancy car with the princess.
It made me realize that even though I would never go back, I do have a lot of fond memories of my time at good old Bonneville High. It seems kind of reassuring that high school still exists with all the fun, and horrible moments that go along with it.
Victor had a great game and we loved having someone so awesome to cheer for.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
A Perfect Fall Day
Rosy is growing so fast. She is the darling among darlings and has us all wrapped around her little finger. She is a cheerful and sweet little baby and we all just adore her. We spend our evenings sitting around on the couch just watching all the funny faces she makes and trying to guess who she will spit up on next.
During the day we have been adventuring to some of the local pumpkin patches to explore the hay-mazes and freeze our buns off.
I tried to convince Daisy to leave the saloon long enough to pick out a pumpkin.
The fall in Eugene is so beautiful that it almost makes up for the 3 months of rain that it precedes...almost.
Rosy wasn't all that impressed with the view.
I spent all of our camera battery trying to get a decent photo of both girls, but it was kind of a lost cause...if you don't count this gem.
Whenever I make a post like this one I feel like I am just one in a million Mormon mommy bloggers. You could seriously just click the "Next Blog" button and find this exact post written by someone else with photos that they took with their professional cameras and that feature better dressed kids.
I know that the lack of originality has roots in the idea that we all need to have proof that we are good moms and that we did all kinds of fun character building activities with our kids. Then later when they try and tell us that we are horrible moms we will have proof to show them how awesome we were.
For that reason I am not going to include the photos of me screaming at them to put on their shoes on so that we could get ourselves out the door, and I'll skip the fact that we didn't have any dinner so I had to bribe them with overpriced candy from the farm store. I'll also edit out all the rotten things they heard me say about the guy who parked in our apartment's assigned space because he made me park all the way on the other side of the complex and across the road. It doesn't sound like that big of an offense until you take into account that I was trying to cajole two small children to come along while carrying a newborn and the jackets and hats that the girls refused to wear despite the fact that it was frigid outside (which also led to more screaming). We will completely omit that Daisy was inches from being hit by a high school student driving a Jeep. I'm also going to ignore that Rosy was crying the whole way there and that the friends we were supposed to meet never showed up.
On second thought, maybe I should include all that because it would be even more proof of how hard I tried to make it possible that they would have fun memories.
Nah, I'd rather just remember it like this.
And in the end, it really was.

P.S. I'm sure you wouldn't find something like this on another blog.
During the day we have been adventuring to some of the local pumpkin patches to explore the hay-mazes and freeze our buns off.
I tried to convince Daisy to leave the saloon long enough to pick out a pumpkin.
The fall in Eugene is so beautiful that it almost makes up for the 3 months of rain that it precedes...almost.
Rosy wasn't all that impressed with the view.
I spent all of our camera battery trying to get a decent photo of both girls, but it was kind of a lost cause...if you don't count this gem.
Whenever I make a post like this one I feel like I am just one in a million Mormon mommy bloggers. You could seriously just click the "Next Blog" button and find this exact post written by someone else with photos that they took with their professional cameras and that feature better dressed kids.
I know that the lack of originality has roots in the idea that we all need to have proof that we are good moms and that we did all kinds of fun character building activities with our kids. Then later when they try and tell us that we are horrible moms we will have proof to show them how awesome we were.
For that reason I am not going to include the photos of me screaming at them to put on their shoes on so that we could get ourselves out the door, and I'll skip the fact that we didn't have any dinner so I had to bribe them with overpriced candy from the farm store. I'll also edit out all the rotten things they heard me say about the guy who parked in our apartment's assigned space because he made me park all the way on the other side of the complex and across the road. It doesn't sound like that big of an offense until you take into account that I was trying to cajole two small children to come along while carrying a newborn and the jackets and hats that the girls refused to wear despite the fact that it was frigid outside (which also led to more screaming). We will completely omit that Daisy was inches from being hit by a high school student driving a Jeep. I'm also going to ignore that Rosy was crying the whole way there and that the friends we were supposed to meet never showed up.
On second thought, maybe I should include all that because it would be even more proof of how hard I tried to make it possible that they would have fun memories.
Nah, I'd rather just remember it like this.
And in the end, it really was.
P.S. I'm sure you wouldn't find something like this on another blog.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Three Girls, One Awesome Outfit
Bunk Beds
We had to say goodbye to this little toddler bed, but it was okay because we got to say hello to the adorable new bunk beds.
These girls couldn't be happier with their new sleeping arrangement.
Rocky assumed her role as alpha female by staking her claim on the top bunk. I thought about pushing her off and taking it myself, but then I realized that if I had a chance to sleep I'd probably never come down.
We also had another milestone this week. Rocky got on the Head Start bus every day this week without a single tantrum and earned our family a special activity. I'm sure nobody is surprised that she chose a craft that was candy related. That may make me a bad mom, but it also meant that for at least 4 mornings I wasn't joining with several parents, a bus driver, and a teacher in trying to cajole a stubborn kid to get her buns on the bus. We are all relieved and a couple of bags of candy was a small price to pay.
We are all enjoying Rosy and she is just completely loveable, as you can see.
She is growing so fast and is such a sweet little girl.
These girls couldn't be happier with their new sleeping arrangement.
Daisy isn't convincing anyone that she is asleep. |
We also had another milestone this week. Rocky got on the Head Start bus every day this week without a single tantrum and earned our family a special activity. I'm sure nobody is surprised that she chose a craft that was candy related. That may make me a bad mom, but it also meant that for at least 4 mornings I wasn't joining with several parents, a bus driver, and a teacher in trying to cajole a stubborn kid to get her buns on the bus. We are all relieved and a couple of bags of candy was a small price to pay.
We are all enjoying Rosy and she is just completely loveable, as you can see.
She is growing so fast and is such a sweet little girl.
This is Halloween
We are starting to get that Halooweenie feeling around this house. Rosy has been sporting her pumpkin hat and also practicing her zombie impression.
Of course, as a daughter of my dad, I have to make sure that we get into some scary movies, which reminds me of an incident. It happened a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just getting to the point where it seems funny instead of horrible.
Brandon checked out a video from the library and it had a segment of Shrek and his friends doing the "Thriller" dance. The girls loved it so I thought it would be fun to show them the original. I haven't seen it in years, and all I remembered was the dance. I put Rocky and Daisy in front of the computer and told them that we would be watching something so scary and fun. They were excited and leaning in close and I was right there with them telling them to pay close attention. Then, instead of dancing zombies, what we saw was Michael Jackson turning into a horrifying werewolf. Within seconds they were both crying and running for their dad.
I felt like the worst mother ever. They were so sincerely terrified and I felt awful. After I skipped to the part with the dance they very tentatively made their way back to the computer and tried to humor me by acting like they thought it was entertaining.
I think they got over the scare pretty quickly but I couldn't even sleep that night because I was worried that they would be traumatized for the rest of their lives. The next day they told everyone at the playground about the scary dog, but since then they seem to have gotten over it.
My friends always tease me because I love skeletons and zombies and Dia de los Muertos things and it seems like I'm morbid, but the real truth about me is that I am a huge wimp when it comes to anything scary. The other night Brandon and I were going to watch "The Woman in Black" and I started freaking out while we were still on the DVD menu. I only made it through about 10 minutes of scariness and then I had to hide in the bathroom and read a cheerful teen book about faeries until I was brave enough to go to my room. You would think that growing up with my dad would ensure that I would have I would have a bigger tolerance for horror, but I somehow didn't receive that gene. The moral of this story is that for the rest of this season we will be sticking to the Charlie Brown and Claymation Halloween specials.
This picture is the teaser for our costumes this year. The master has been hard at work again and is transforming the garbage we have been collecting for months into something amazing.
Rocky and Daisy have also been celebrating the 13 days of Halloween thanks to Cara, Cambria and Quincy. They love opening their surprise every night and it is something they look forward to all day long.
Of course, as a daughter of my dad, I have to make sure that we get into some scary movies, which reminds me of an incident. It happened a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just getting to the point where it seems funny instead of horrible.
Brandon checked out a video from the library and it had a segment of Shrek and his friends doing the "Thriller" dance. The girls loved it so I thought it would be fun to show them the original. I haven't seen it in years, and all I remembered was the dance. I put Rocky and Daisy in front of the computer and told them that we would be watching something so scary and fun. They were excited and leaning in close and I was right there with them telling them to pay close attention. Then, instead of dancing zombies, what we saw was Michael Jackson turning into a horrifying werewolf. Within seconds they were both crying and running for their dad.
I felt like the worst mother ever. They were so sincerely terrified and I felt awful. After I skipped to the part with the dance they very tentatively made their way back to the computer and tried to humor me by acting like they thought it was entertaining.
I think they got over the scare pretty quickly but I couldn't even sleep that night because I was worried that they would be traumatized for the rest of their lives. The next day they told everyone at the playground about the scary dog, but since then they seem to have gotten over it.
My friends always tease me because I love skeletons and zombies and Dia de los Muertos things and it seems like I'm morbid, but the real truth about me is that I am a huge wimp when it comes to anything scary. The other night Brandon and I were going to watch "The Woman in Black" and I started freaking out while we were still on the DVD menu. I only made it through about 10 minutes of scariness and then I had to hide in the bathroom and read a cheerful teen book about faeries until I was brave enough to go to my room. You would think that growing up with my dad would ensure that I would have I would have a bigger tolerance for horror, but I somehow didn't receive that gene. The moral of this story is that for the rest of this season we will be sticking to the Charlie Brown and Claymation Halloween specials.
This picture is the teaser for our costumes this year. The master has been hard at work again and is transforming the garbage we have been collecting for months into something amazing.
Rocky and Daisy have also been celebrating the 13 days of Halloween thanks to Cara, Cambria and Quincy. They love opening their surprise every night and it is something they look forward to all day long.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Friends with Skills are the Best
This time I've got some adorable pictures of the younger sisters and their Oma hanging out at the playground thanks to my friend Michelle.
We had a great visit while my mom was in town and we are all super sad that she had to go back home.
We had a great visit while my mom was in town and we are all super sad that she had to go back home.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Rocky's First Field Trip
Sunday, October 7, 2012
A Quiz
Answers: The first adorable little boy is Carson and he is the son of the beautiful blonde in the middle. Becky and Caleb welcomed him to the world on September 12. The second little boy is Oliver the handsome firstborn of Eric and Debbie. And if you didn't figure it out by the purple onesie I'm pretty sure that you all would know that it was my little Rosy that is doing the vulgar hand gesture, just like when she was in utero. I already love these three amigos and can't wait for them all to be together.
I have been feeling frustrated because it is really hard to snap photos of Rosy because she is so wiggly. Also, whenever I get out the camera there are a couple of big sisters that are so willing to pose.
If she didn't have to eat I don't think that Rocky would ever let me hold her.
Daisy likes to hold her too, but only for about 5 seconds. Then she spends the rest of the day mooching around in this dragon costume. It was a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down and she wants to wear it all day every day.
Here we are enjoying conference weekend which is always the best.
Rosy was blown away by the spiritual insights of the church leaders, either that or by the shocking amount of candy corns that Daisy can eat in one sitting.
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