While we were walking in everyone would ask, "Did you bring your talents?" I thought it was a pretty good question. I appreciated that it implied that we for sure had some talent and that the only doubt was whether or not we had brought it with us.
Luckily several people were more prepared than us and were willing to entertain what was a very lively group of spectators. The De Luna's went first with a family chicken dance. President De Luna wasn't on stage with his wife and kids because he was stationed in the audience with the fart machine. When it was time for the hips to wiggle the sound of loud flatulence went across the microphone. I am not kidding when I say that people were literally falling over with laughter.
The fart machine, by the way, made its uninvited way into several other parts of the evening and never seemed to dim in its hilarity.
Three kids did a short play which included a lot of fighting, but in the end the princess was saved.
One little girl got up there and jumped rope. It was pretty cool because she didn't really do any tricks or anything, just stood up there with a big smile and jumped for about five minutes.
A young boy played his viola, but he was so embarrassed that he stationed himself on the side of the stage behind the curtain so that nobody could see him. We had to take his word that he was actually playing the instrument and not just a recording.
The missionaries did a couple of magic tricks.
One of them required that a small piece of paper was burned. Nobody had a match or lighter so a couple of guys took a napkin over to the church kitchen and held it over the element on the stove until it caught fire. They carried the flames back to the audience in a bowl. We were lucky that the smoke alarm stayed quiet.
An older man played the guitarra and sang some songs that everyone knew from the seventies.
People were clapping and singing along. Another new member sang a couple of Christian rock songs and was really surprised that nobody else seemed to know the words. President De Luna made a second contribution and balanced a spinning top on his hand.
In the end I was still wondering, did anyone bring their talents?
It is pretty awesome to be in the Spanish branch.