Since we have moved here we have always wanted to head up to the northernmost tip of the Oregon Coast to Astoria and since it was the last week of freedom for Brandon before he started his PhD we figured we had better take the chance. On the way out there the weather was looking pretty overcast and for the first time of the year it felt like the fall had taken over. This was a good thing for us because while the air conditioning in the car is out of order the heat is working fine. The drive was pretty uneventful except that we did stop at Burgerville and Rocky ate french fries, which seems to be the only thing she remembers about the trip. That and the gummy worms that we bought to snack on. Next time I think it is important to take my kids on a trip just remind me that they will be just as happy going to the local 7-11, maybe even happier.
On the road we passed a truck that was hauling logs and immediately after passed another one hauling bricks to which Rocky commented, "Well, there they go to build the houses for the piggies."
Luckily for us when we got to the beach the day had turned into a perfectly beautiful afternoon and we hung out with the shipwreck and played in the sand.
Brandon tested out his new skinboard, which turned out to look like a lot of fun and a good way to seriously injure yourself.
Even though the girls play in the sand almost every day at our apartment complex, this was a whole new experience.
It is even better when it is a little wet and sticks to your whole body.
Next we headed to the old Battery Russell Fort. During WWII the Japanese actually fired at the Oregon Coast trying to find this place. I guess the huge guns that used to be there would shoot about 6 miles and were put there to protect the border. Now it is an abandoned concrete shelter that is really cool to explore and, in a few of the back rooms, as Rocky said in her spooky voice is, "REEEALLLY SCAAARY!" We were there in the day and it was well lit and innocent looking, but even I had to admit that it would be a perfect location to shoot some horror film about teenagers who, upon taking a trip to the beach stumbled upon the old abandoned fort and decided to spend a night being hunted by soldier ghosts...either that or at least the inspiration for an episode of Scooby Doo.

Another thing that rocks about Astoria is the Column. We got there just as the sun was starting to set and I guess Rocky was anxious not to miss it because she ran...and I do mean ran, up the spiral staircase to the top. It was bad enough to walk up there myself because it was so high, but it was horrifying that she kept stumbling as she hopped from stair to stair. I've talked with other moms so I know that I'm not the only one that gets images of my children being involved in horrible accidents and I just kept fretting that she would fall through the guardrails. She was just fine of course, but by the time we got to the top I was almost in tears. Brandon took both girls down himself and let me have a moment at the top to enjoy the sunset and calm down. It really was such a beautiful view. While I was up there I contemplated the fact that I was now officially an old worry wart and tried to figure out the exact moment when I started to cling to irrational fears. This may have been it.

Everyone was excited to sleep in the least for about the first 15 minutes. Unfortunately the air mattress had a pretty steady leak and the girls (Daisy) didn't appreciate it. Also, I had forgotten the pillows so the four of us had two pillow pets to share around. We did the only fair thing...waited until they were asleep and then stole their little dog and duck for ourselves. Daisy kept waking up and climbing over to share her duck with me and after Rocky raised a formal protest in the middle of the night Brandon just ended up using his jacket. Needless to say there wasn't a lot of sleeping going on. We had originally planned to camp for two nights but ended up deciding that one night of torture was enough.
We waited uncomfortably until the sun was high enough that we could justify it as morning and started our day.
We had a warm oatmeal breakfast and packed up so that we could get to the most important part of the trip.
The entire city of Astoria is beautiful. The streets are lined with historic homes and steep hills. The neighborhood, however is mostly known for the filming of one movie that forever changed film history.

I was excited to see the Goonies House but for Brandon it was truly a Pilgrimage, and it wasn't complete until he and Rocky did the Truffle Shuffle out front.
From the top of the hill at the Goonies House you could hear the symphony of barking from the Sea Lions below at the pier so we headed down to further investigate.
And this ends phase one of the Astoria trip. Next post: Washington.