Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Sad Post that Gets Happier as it Goes

 Although she was 98 years old it is still super sad that this world just lost my Great Aunt Della.  She was very special to me.  She was feisty, hilarious, and such a good woman.  She taught me how to play Skip-Bo when I was 12 and she played it again a few weeks ago when we went to visit her for what would be the last time.  While we were there she told us that she had lived a "good life and wouldn' t have traded it for any other."  I'm sure that all of us who knew her will miss her sassy attitude and her quick wit, but I will also remember her for setting a great example.  I hope that at whatever age I am when I go that I'll be able to look back at my life without regrets like she did.

On a much lighter note:

I wanted to post this picture and keep it for my records as one crazy night with some awesome friends.  I laughed so hard that my abs got worked harder than if I had done the Jillian Michaels DVD. 
 And in other awkward self-taken-photo-memories...Tonight I drove my Indian girls to the airport for their flight home.  The next time I will see them is when we finally get out there to Hyderabad...when we can afford the airfare...think somewhere around 2030.  I'll miss you Pranita and Shai.
 All I've got to keep me cheery now is these two little stinkers.  Here they are modeling their new cover-ups.  Thanks Abia!

Bonus Picture
Brandon went to the dentist and had a Novocaine.  I couldn't stop laughing when I saw him.


Kaylee Snyder said...

I'm sad about Aunt Della too. She's one of a kind, and the world's grayer without her.

Thanks for the happy pix though. Brandon looks just like that commercial guy with pudding face!

Jennifer Lovell said...

Sorry to hear about losing one of your favorite family friends.

I wish I could have been part of the laugh-a-thon. That photo of you friends all together makes me happy anyway! Miss you guys!