Brandon bought the 5 gallon bucket of day old Voodoo Donuts for his birthday. I don't know if he has ever been so happy. He fully admits that the best part of the Voodoo buckets is that you never know if there is going to be one or not. It is like a lottery.
It is also a lottery in that sometimes you end up with a whole bucket of penis shaped donuts but we didn't even have a single one.
We had a Memorial Day/birthday potluck breakfast in the community room. He was surrounded by friends and food and afterward he got to have a long nap. I don't know if I have seen him happier.
I am a lucky woman because my husband gets cooler, smarter and better looking each year.
After the birthday festivities I took the girls and we met some friends for our traditional scavenger hunt in the Eugene Masonic Cemetery. I never get sick of being there.
At the end all the kids picked a prize from a table and Rosy picked a three pack of gift bags. She didn't hesitate for a moment because she knew this was exactly what she wanted.
And then we had a barbecue to attend that night. I got there and I didn't really have anyone to talk to so Ike and I were kind of hiding out in the hammock. I thought that I would take a selfie and right as I hit the button my friend Marissa came in and my happy face was caught on camera. It isn't flattering but it is true joy. If you look closely you can see her reflection in my shades.
Sometimes I feel bad for everyone in the world that doesn't have a friend like Marissa. She is the kind of friend that every mom wants for her daughter.
Costco |
Hiding from the Paparazzi |
No pillow, no problem |
Rocky and I ran in the Girls on the Run 5k. She has been in the club all spring and has learned all kinds of social skills while making friends and getting exercise. She had a great time. The goals of Girls on the Run is to encourage joyful and strong girls and in this case it has succeeded.
Apples |
Sunday Night: School Night: Weekend is Over |
We did an escape room with the coolest people in the world. It was so fun and we destroyed the record. It was amazing how everybody jumped into action and solved all the clues. SO MUCH FUN!
Did I mention that I love these humans?