The trampoline park Get Air has toddler time in the mornings and preschool kids can jump to their hearts' content without having to fight it out with bigger kids. That's the theory anyway. Ike just thinks it is free reign to jump on other kids. We made the mistake of showing up when a 'Mom's group' had overtaken the place. I mean, I get it, mom's need friends. The reason I'm not interested in these groups is probably because I've outgrown them. I admit that in my early days of motherhood with Rocky I loved to sit around and discuss the most minute detail of my child's progress, amount of teeth, color of her last bowel movement, what order to introduce fruits in the diet, blah blah blah. Now when I have a chance to speak to another adult woman I want to talk about EVERYTHING, except anything that has to do with children. I will talk politics, religion, philosophy, TV, podcasts, movies, books, diet, exercise, you name it, as long as it isn't potty training, and picky eaters. I'm just over it guys. I don't love my little Ikester any less than the others, but I have learned that an adult conversation is a treasure not to be squandered.
So anyhow, I was there at the place with my soul sister Nicole, and we were delving into the depths of the #metoo movement, some really great conversation, and I see Ike body slam a tiny curly haired blonde in the foam pit. She was fine. Totally fine. I don't know if she would have even noticed if her mother hadn't flipped out. Luckily this is Eugene so she took her 4-year-old kid over into the corner to breastfeed and she sat with her group all of them glaring in my direction. I ignored them all and went on detailing the article I read about Aziz Ansari.
Later on the curly blonde knocked Ike's foam tower over and I didn't even bat an eyelash.
I am sharing this story because clearly I am a superior parent than the others there.
I am sharing this story because I am tired of mom shaming. I mean, even as I write I am doing it myself. I make fun of helicopter parents at the same time that they are judging me for being more than 10 feet away from Ike.
I am going to try to relax a little on my judging and I hope that the next time my kid tries a semi-professional wrestling move on yours, maybe just give him a pass because whether it is true or not his mom thinks she knows what she is doing.
Also, Ike had a blast. Also, he is trying to learn how to wink. It isn't going that well, but it sure is fun to watch.
We headed out to the coast for some nature therapy.
I know I have a lot of good things to be grateful for, but sometimes I just get into a dark place emotionally. Sometimes I feel like there is an actual weight on my chest. There is nothing that can pull me out of gloom faster than being outside in a gorgeous place. No matter how much my kids are driving me nuts, once they are in a lovely setting they become absolutely adorable.
When I stand next to the ocean I can feel the weight of my concerns lifting.
I am not sure how many more times I will get the chance to stand on this Oregon coastline but I sure have loved it.
Devil's Churn
Hobbit Beach
We missed the Women's March while we were there, so the Riglettes had our own. Ike wouldn't wear his shirt. I am hoping it was because he doesn't like tank tops, not that he is making a political statement. It was too cold to go without the jackets for long so this was about the extent of our rally.
Have you ever been to a Walmart Market at 8 on a Saturday night? I have. It is sad. Super sad. I mean, I think a regular Walmart might be sort of fun, especially if you were there with some friends, and especially if you are in Utah where everyone is stocking up for Sunday. But this place, in Eugene, is just a big bummer. Brandon texted to ask how it was going and this was my response. Also, these photos are making me realize that I spend 90% of my time looking like I just rolled out of bed. Another reason I love you, Eugene. This is my hot Saturday night on the town look.
Where is Ike? You'll never find him now that he owns this camouflage coat. He won't take it off. I tried to tell him that it only works when you are in the trees but he is convinced it makes him invisible.
The Leonards have become like family to us and we went to Zack's basketball game. It was a perfectly lovely time. The kids were delighted. We got to sit with lots of friends and Heather got popcorn for everyone. Zack played amazing and was super sweet to wave to the girls. I know that a high school basketball game isn't really that big of a deal, but this one was. The planets aligned to make it a sweet and special moment for our family.