Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mystery Art

 The girls have gotten into the habit of each packing a purse to church.  I didn't realize how much they were hauling around with them until one time Rocky was cutting her toenails in Sacrament Meeting and we had to have a talk about appropriate behavior.  It was kind of reassuring though that if I ever need some nail clippers while I am out and about that she is prepared.  One Sunday morning when they were packing their bags Ike filled his Spiderman mask with toys.  It only seemed right that he ought to have his own bag.

Quick, take a pic before they start fighting!
 On yet another trip to WinCo I made some pretty serious promises to Ike.  I told him that if he could hold it together, even though he hadn't really had any breakfast, that he could get a sugar cookie in the bakery.  It was a struggle, but I could see that he was really trying.  We made it all the way through the store and then, faced the inevitable, no sample cookies. I had no choice.  We had to buy the family pack.
I don't know if this will make my bribing powers stronger, or weaker.  Pray for the former.
 Just about every wall in our place has drawings all over it.  And yes, Ike does ride his tricycle through the house.  The bike helmet is his idea, I don't require it.
It took me almost 3 hours just to clean the walls in his room.
 It is a little hard to see but this desk has a drawing of a little person standing on a hill.  The hill is clearly Ike's work.  It is consistent with his style, but the little person is a mystery.  Who did this?  It doesn't look like the drawings of my other kids.  I wondered if it was an adult...and I think it would be hilarious if it was but so far nobody has confessed. I can't bring myself to magic eraser it just in case it turns out to be worth millions someday.
 While I was out running on Groundhog Day Brandon was at home making chocolate crepes with peeking groundhogs.  I always want to take photos of him while he is cooking.  He looks so cute when he is focused like that.

 We spent the day hanging out at the park since it felt like summer, and then stopped in at our favorite Great Harvest to visit Jess who runs the place.  We never get sick of eating bread and cookies with Sailor and Ruby.

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