As life changes, and time passes, sometimes we are forced to say goodbye to things we love. Brandon and I were fortunate to attend one last sealing in the Ogden temple before it is torn down and modernized. I'm sure we will love the new temple when it is finished, but the old one is taking a little piece of my heart with it.
Although some (rude) people think it looks like an alien ship, I think it is beautiful and will miss it. Especially because it was where Brandon and I started our marriage.

On a much lighter, but almost equally tragic note, it is also time to part with two other good friends..

Okay, so they are shoes, but these shoes have been so awesome.
They ran me through the marathon, training and all. I promised that after we crossed the finish line they could have a rest, but then I ran on them for another two years, which is ridiculous because most running shoes are lucky to make it through 6 months. Well, these babies have done their duty and are now headed to that big 5K in the sky where they can rest their poor soles.

Job well done.
I know this change is looong since overdue but it is a big deal for me. I like the things I have and I don't like to go out and get new ones.
Here are the replacements. I like them okay, but I probably won't be able to trust them until we spend some real quality time together, maybe like a year or two.

In bittersweet moments like this I find solace in the stable and unchanging things that make life predictable, and that would never throw a tantrum in the mall...my kids.
Well, I guess even if they are constantly changing, they still make me feel better because they are so cute.

Bonus Picture: Rocky thinks it is fun to stand on our patio and tell the people that are passing that she is going to take a picture. I think it is fun to look through the window and watch how they respond. Too bad her camera has been out of film for 10 years.