Tuesday, December 5, 2017


 I went all fan girl with a few of my friends and we showed up for the Smitten Kitchen book signing at Powell's City of Books.  We never did get our books signed but we still got to catch up with Deb Perelman and have some fantastic eats.  As a young person I used to hang out with my friends all the time.  Now I recognize these moments for the treasure that they are.  I love being in a group with smart, lovely women.
Ruby Jewel

And then it was back home to my little shadow. 

 I was trying to make my Thanksgiving shopping list but this guy wanted me to tickle him so I had no other choice.
 I made such a big deal about my kids acting like babies at the doctor's office, but when it was my turn I was just as nervous.  It wasn't that bad though.  Brandon scheduled our appointments together so we could take turns with the kids, and the worst part of the whole thing was just trying to keep them from breaking anything in the exam rooms.  Luckily Brandon is a genius.

Nursery Class

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