Tuesday, May 1, 2018

A Charmed Life

 I am not the only one in this world that has a preoccupation with the future.  Sometimes I get so nervous about things to come that I forget to look around at what is happening right now.  I worry about our upcoming move and all the transitions ahead of us and sometimes it feels like chaos.  But the more I focus on the present the more I recognize the true joy in the day to day business of living. 
 It is especially true as I realize how quickly these babies grow.  Right now Ike wants to spend every afternoon playing with his Star Wars toys and play dough.  It will change some day, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't lovely while it lasted.

 My friend that is in the Primary Presidency sent me this photo of Rosy.  She thought she was so clever holding the stop sign up for the whole song.  I love the look on her face. 
These face masks are terrifying.

So overalls are a thing again?  Daisy is rocking them anyway.
 This is me, hiding on the porch.  I was literally hiding from my kids.  They were all inside and safe.  I was close enough that I would hear any big problems but far enough away that I could take a few breaths and be alone to calm down.  I had to leave because Rosy and I were in the midst of a 2 hour hunger strike.  She was upset because I put mustard on the wrong side of the sandwich.  She didn't want the pickles and mustard touching.
I am willing to concede many things to my strong willed 5 year old vegetarian but I wasn't going to budge on this.  If she had not wanted mustard I would have made her a new sandwich but this was too much.  So she swore she would never eat again.
 She sat in the corner screamed and I hid myself outside.  But right around 2 hours and 5 minutes she calmed right down.  She sat next to me and ate the whole sandwich, and she even liked it.  I would consider it a victory but really who won?  We both just wasted 2 hours of life.   If I were to rewind I probably would have just made a new sandwich and kept the peace. 

Those Little Toes!!
 My friend Katy invited us over to sit by her fire pit.  It felt like summer.  We are right on the cusp and can practically taste it.
 Rocky and Rosy look like small and medium versions of the same kid.

 Not a cloud in the sky!!!!!

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