Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Spring Break Staycation

 This is the first year that Brandon has a real job and didn't have time off for spring break.  The adult world is kind of a bummer.
Since our days in Eugene are numbered it actually worked nicely to have some local adventures instead of traveling.
We did some cooking, some park hopping, and watched lots of movies. 

 I read Jewel's memoir and loved it.

 There was some Easter Egg dying and hunting.  A bunch of friends and tons of treats.

 Who needs a hotel when you have two giant boxes?
 There was a lot of running and a little bit of yoga as well as some hiking, whale watching, and tide pooling.

Eagle's Rest

Muddy Shoe Therapy

Digging to China
It was a gorgeous break, a lovely Easter and a beautiful Conference weekend. 

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