Monday, February 14, 2011

Share the Love

Rocky thought it would be a good idea to help me with the chores for Valentine's Day. I gave her a big hug and then went to clean up the mess she made while "cleaning."

I thought I would make something special so earlier this week I checked out a book from the library called "How to Be a Domestic Goddess." After reading through it I was so exhausted that I ended up throwing out my plans and making the easiest no bake cookies I could think of.
My aunt always called these chocolate oatmeal treats Gorilla Poops.
Who's the domestic goddess now?
I don't think it will make the cover of Martha Stewart's Living but I am going to give myself some props because it takes a lot of guts to make heart-shaped Gorilla Poops and even more to publicly admit it.

Well, they tasted good anyway.

Happy V-Day!


Callie. said...

I love this post! And I would totally eat those Gorilla Poops--they look good to me!

Lindsey and Isaac said...

I always love your posts too, they always make me smile!

Denece said...

I too made 'gorilla poop' hearts, but yours look much better. I quit after 4 hearts and the rest were just lumps. =)

becky rigby said...

Mars, you are so talented! Look at Rockys face in the last picture... I love that kid.

Kaylee Snyder said...

I'd never pass on gorilla poops. Very domestic.

PS: I'm glad you called them by their true name!

Kourtney said...

Too Cute

Jill said...

Hmmm. I posted a comment yesterday that seems to have disappeared. I'll assume it was a technical error instead of you deleting it for offensive content.

I think it takes a true domestic goddess to make gorilla poop look cute and delicious, which you did! And I love Rocky's face in that last pic--it looks like she should still be wearing the mask from the library book.