Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Break in the Promised Land

 Rosy did her best to suck up to Hayden because even at the tender age of 6 months she knows that he is the coolest member of the family.  I would feel sort of guilty for saying that, but it is kind of general knowledge among the Rigbys.  That being said, they are all cool so that just speaks to the power of the H.  She is trying to get an in with him as an apprentice so she can study his ways.

If anyone is looking for trouble you need look no further than this armchair full of it.  I don't know how so much spunk came in the form of three small girls but in about 10 years, just watch out.  They will be especially fatal if they continue to be so beautiful.  I don't know who is going to get it worse, their parents, or the boys that fall in love with them.
 We had the BEST time at the Weber State game.  The Dee Events Center was more packed than I have ever seen it and the crowd was wild.
 It was a great game that stayed close enough to be exciting, even for these little wildcats.  Of course it probably helped that they had their grandparents to keep them company.

 Spring at the Howard house means that it is time to bust out the trampoline.  This is another one of those photos that isn't flattering at all but it will live on this blog as proof for my children that at one point I wasn't always just an old lady.
 For weeks before the trip to Utah I went on and on about Rosy and how she is just the sweetest baby ever and how she just smiles all day long.
When we arrived she had a fever, a runny nose and a consistent whine.  She bawled almost the whole week.  I didn't even know how to take care of her because it was so out of character.
When we got home the other day she was still crying.  I was worried that she was just starting to show her real personality.  Then a couple of nights ago I looked in her mouth and she has two teeth.  Once they cut through she has hardly made a peep and has gone back to her sweet self.  Part of me is still bummed that the trip was so hard but the other part is just relieved that she is cute again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The strangers in those Weber State pictures do not seem to want to be on your blog.