Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Big Wedding

I am not exaggerating when I say that this was the most exciting wedding I've ever attended.  I got to give a toast.  This is basically what I said.
Emily was my first friend.  We would say that we were best friends and have sleepovers.  Every year we used to watch the Miss. America pageant together.  As we got older we had different hobbies but she was always the truest kind of loyal friend and we had so much fun together.  She lived across the road from Mark and we had all kinds of adventures with him and his friends.  When we were small we would create battle plans to protect ourselves from their cooties and then when we were older we spent more time shooting hoops in Emily's driveway and sitting in the lawn chairs telling jokes and stories.  In high school it was pretty clear even though it was never said that the two of them had something special.  Then there were years of long distances and growing and splitting and re-uniting but I always knew that they were the classic example of two people who just belonged together.
The wedding was beautiful and they were both so happy that it was impossible not to have a great time.  They were married in the new Brigham City temple and it was just such an honor to watch my best friend marry her best friend.

This was a really cute older couple that we saw outside the temple who just happened to be holding one very sweet baby.
 I got to relive one of my favorite high school traditions with my two other best friends...hanging out without kids.
I made this blanket for the happy couple and I think it turned out cool.  I started it at Christmas and I still barely finished in time.  While I worked on it I thought about how awesome I think both of them are and how much I appreciate the friendship they have given me.  I know it is overly sentimental but I hope if they ever use it they'll feel my gratitude.

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