Saturday, June 7, 2014

Happy B-day!

 Brandon turned 35 and since he is so strapped at work we went to him.  We got to see the office in which he is slogging away at his dissertation.  We kidnapped him from his office hours and insisted that he eat lunch with us in the courtyard.  It was a beautiful day and we all had a lot of fun.  He is such a great dad and I like it when we get to see how hard he is working.  His birthdays are nice because he just gets better looking every year.
 We had all our neighbors over for ice cream cones and carrot brownies.  I only took one photo.
 The next day was our little friend Izzy's birthday and she had a princess party.  I took like a hundred photos of her party.  Maybe next year I should plan a princess party for Brandon and then we'd have something to show for it.

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