Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Farmer's Market

 I know that my summer posts are almost always the same and it is because I love to do the same things when we are in town.  This time the farmer's market was even better than usual because they brought back the Star Noodle Parlor sign.  The dragon belongs on 25th Street and I for one feel a surge of joy every time I see it there.

We did our share of browsing local art and produce and of course spent a little time frolicking in the park.

 We are all just so glad that Brandon is here and that we can all be together.
 Rosy taught us that if the corn is good it can and should be eaten raw.
 Rocky prefers hers cooked.
 I didn't take a picture but Daisy is the one that has really gone crazy over all the fresh veggies.  She spent almost an hour out in my mom's garden picking green beans, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers, and then got them all cut and prepared for Sunday dinner.  She also takes every chance she can get to pick tomatoes and melons in Mike's garden.  She definitely has a taste for the garden.  Rosy likes to go out there and hunt for late season strawberries and Rocky likes to look for snails.

Ike and Grayson are already buddies.  They have bonded over all the stress they cause their moms by being tiny.  Who knows what kind of trouble they will get into in the future.

Hayden invited us all out to eat at Olive Garden.  I told the girls that they needed to act like Fancy Nancy and be on their best behavior.  Except for one incident with a stubborn 2-year-old and a sugar packet they acted like little angels.  They are super proud of their uncle and know that he is going to be a great missionary.  Although Rocky did say after she saw him saying goodbye to his girlfriend, "I think he is just a little too young to be kissing girls."
 I had to take a couple of pictures that show just how crazy Ike's life is.
 You can see how much he adores his sisters, and by adores what I really mean is fears.
 In the past week he has gained 11 ounces.  He looks downright chunky to those of us who have known him his whole life.  He started out at 7 lbs. 12 oz. and now at 2 months has finally gotten to
9 lbs. 6 ounces.  It has been a slow beginning which was not helped by all the vomiting but today the doctor officially considered him thriving.  I think I will start calling him Tubby.
 We had to get some work done on the car so Brandon took the seats out.  Last night I went outside and found Rocky reading scary stories to her sisters.  I was especially glad that Rosy was buckled in.  I took this picture to show to them when we are driving back to Eugene.  I can't wait to remind them that they really love to sit in their car seats.

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